VisitDays helps you connect with prospective students and build relationships that last.
Access highly vetted and verified students, globally, who have the motivation and necessary resources to enroll into your institution.
Recruit top students from India, South Korea, South East Asia and the Middle East that are qualified from your institution.
Cover the entire world and get ahead of the competition. Prior to visiting in person, connect with students you care about most.
Recruit students that are financially prepared to enroll, and have proven to have the resources to enroll.
With over a 1,000 students placed annually, achieve enrollment targets in a predictable way.
Participate in events at scale and remove friction points between you and prospects with intuitive communication features.
Access as many high school fairs and college nights as the high school hosts.
Enable students book a call or start a chat with you anytime, wherever they are.
You get access to academic information, demonstrated interest - meaning you see how much they interacted with you.
Integrated your data with your CRM - Slate or Salesforce.