Anyone that has gone to college can agree that it’s not always an easy road to get there. From the research leading up to applying to the application process and financial aid to acceptances to enrolling, the process can be daunting and time-consuming. While junior and senior year might be considered the most important years when it comes to applying to college, the whole process begins the moment a student steps into high school. Our mission at VisitDays is to help eliminate barriers for high school students on their journey to college–to simplify the process and help bridge the gap between the students and their families and their right-fit college. Below are a few ways that VisitDays helps students overcome these barriers to student success.
- Students are unable to travel to campus visits. Over the past two years during the COVID pandemic, this difficulty has been even more apparent based on travel restrictions and closed campuses. But even prior to this, there were students that were unable to afford to travel to various college campuses or couldn’t take time away from school, work, or extracurriculars. VisitDays allows students and their families to watch virtual tours, schedule a meeting with the college rep reading their application, and watch on-demand videos to get a better feel of the schools they’re interested in. Once the student gets admitted or narrows down their college list, then they can visit campus.
- First-generation college students and their parents are uncertain about the college process and timelines. High schools or districts can create a peer mentorship program with seniors and recent graduates so that they can walk the students and their families through the process they just went through. High schools can also use the VisitDays platform to host virtual workshops at any time to ensure that parents and students understand the process and the many timelines. They can also then post the recording to the platform so people can go back and watch at a later time. High school administrators can also post any additional resources on their page for a one-stop shop for all things college.
- Lack of parent/guardian support or involvement. Parents can more easily be a part of the college process because VisitDays’ college access programs run 24/7/365. College admissions reps can host live sessions after school and work and students can schedule 1:1 meetings or chat with reps at the times that work for the family’s schedule. Additionally, the colleges and universities post on-demand videos and resources so that they can be accessed at any time.
Overall, the VisitDays platform is flexible and accommodating to ensure that all students and parents are able to be active participants in the college process from beginning to end.
Is your high school or district interested in creating a FREE network for your students and parents to learn about college? Schedule a call.
If you’re a college or university interested in diversifying your recruitment pipeline and meeting prospective students, use this link to schedule a call here and check out the territories where we have live college access programs.